I’ve watched all the videos; I’ve read all the blog posts; I’ve used all the checklists…and finally decided what to pack in my first hospital bag. I’m writing this post *after* the fact, so of course I’m able to look back and make some edits and suggestions based on what I actually used plus a few things that I wish I had packed.
So, for all of my first time mamas, here’s what I found to be helpful and useful in my hospital bag.
First things first: “the bag”… what are you packing IN? I ordered this cutie weekender duffle from Amazon and it was perfect. However much space I have, I’ll fill it, so it worked better for me to have a weekender size duffle instead of a giant suitcase.
Ok, let’s start with packing the easy items: toiletries. Pack your normal toiletry vibes for a weekend trip.
I have used this toiletry organizer for yearsss and it’s still going strong. It was so helpful to be able to hang up in the hospital bathroom and be able to see everything at a glance.
Mama Clothing Items:
pair of comfy pajamas - I packed shorts pjs, but next time will pack pants version just so I’m a little more covered when visitors come. (just something for you to think about)
cute robe - used this for photos and over my pjs when family came to visit. I bought this floral silky robe for my wedding and still love it!
nursing bra - these were my fave, simple bras, that work for nursing and pumping.
mama going home outfit - spoiler, I hated the outfit I brought. SO bring two going home outfits just in case your vibes are different that what you think they will be! You will still be a little “fluffy” after giving birth and may not want anything super close to your skin, so think about comfortable, loose matching sets or dresses! ;)

Baby Clothing Items:
baby photo outfit - I did this custom name swaddle and absolutely love how it turned out
baby signage - I didn’t do a baby sign, but I think for next baby, I might bring one to have as an option
baby going home outfit - bring a couple options, long sleeve/pants…it will be their first car ride in their carseat and you don’t want the seatbelt to hurt their skin (I was very concerned about this haha)
Breast Feeding Mamas:
nipple cream: I used this one and loved. I had like one day of soreness, but this stuff was a life saver!
haaka hand pump - I didn’t bring this but could have been helpful as I was starting the breastfeeding journey and had zero clue what I was doing.
electric breast pump - again, I didn’t bring my pump (they’re so big!) and I was fine without it, but it definitely could have been helpful to try it for the first time while at hospital and get help from the lactation consultant, if needed. I was so nervous to pump when I got home, that I waited so long to do it and that was silly! Linking the one I have and love!
nursing pads - I used both the washable and the disposable. For the hospital, pack a few pairs of disposable.
Post-Partum Helpers:
belly band - I brought this and didn’t use it. I didn’t want anything tight on me at all, but I think I’ll try to use it next time for a little more support and to start the recovery process.
depuffing supplies: quartz roller, eye patches, anything your currently use - especially if you’re planning to have an epidural, you’ll want these! (and of course drinking your water!)
phone charger
polaroid printer- didn’t end up using at the hospital, but love this printer for making any phone photo into a polaroid! Great for baby book or journal!
tripod - this is the best "cheapie" tripod I've ever had and it folds up so small, like the size of a cardboard paper towel holder.
nurses baskets (here’s what I did for mine - super simple but so cute!)
baby nail clipper: random, but Chloe had some hangnails when she was born and the hospital only had nail files.
I posted an Instagram video about my bag and specifically mentioned the things I didn’t pack:
underwear for mama (I was wearing hospital diapers, thx.)
pacifiers - my hospital had them, but my baby never ended up taking a pacifier, like ever. Will definitely be trying harder to get our next baby to take a pacifier!!
diapers, wipes, baby care - didn’t bring any of that, and didn’t seem to need it. My hospital had all of those items.
It would definitely be a good idea to call your hospital postpartum unit and see what kind of supplies they provide and if they have any recommendations.
We upgraded our postpartum room to a suite (for a very minimal charge, in my opinion!) and I was so pleased with it. That upgrade provided food for Adam, not just me, so we didn’t have to worry about him needing to leave for food, etc., and they had an entire snack room that you and your visitors could visit anytime (so nice!).
I hope this helps! DM me with any questions @rhondajenkins. You are amazing, mama!